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  • lkwiginton

Showing up! RM Praxis goes virtual

Praxis is a series of workshops run by Resource Movement members, where participants learn to recognize, understand and act on their wealth and class privilege. Activities include journaling, small group discussions, and building redistribution/giving plans. Participants will become more prepared to show up in a class-aware way to organizing, relationships, and life.

Though traditionally done in-person, RM is planning to run our first-ever virtual Praxis this October. Praxis is a great way to meet others doing this learning and hold ourselves accountable to action.

WHAT? A 5-session series of two-hour workshops, reflections and group discussions on (1) money stories, (2) class in our lives, (3) race & class, (4) creating a redistribution plan, and (5) moving towards action.

The deadline to register is October 1, 2020. Don't wait! Register here.

WHEN? Every 2 weeks on Thursdays from 7pm-9pm EST (starting October 8, 2020)

WHERE? Zoom (register for the link)

DATES & TIMES (you are expected to attend all sessions):

1. October 8th, 2020 : 7 - 9pm EST

2. October 22 , 2020 : 7 - 9pm EST

3. Nov 5 , 2020 : 7 - 9pm EST

4. Nov 19 , 2020 : 7 - 9pm EST

5. Dec 3 , 2020 : 7 - 9pm EST

*Please note: Eventbrite will produce a calendar hold for the first session only. Resource Movement will send you subsequent invites before the first session. Please hold them in your calendars now!

PRICE: Sliding scale $0-$100

Note: You are welcome to join praxis for free. If you have the capacity to contribute financially, your contribution will support the delivery of this workshop and RM's many other activities.

ACCESSIBILITY: If you have access needs to be able to fully participate in praxis, please email

Les ateliers se dérouleront en anglais, mais les animateurs et les discussions seront bilingues (en/fr).

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