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Learning & Education

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We host workshops, conferences, and discussions, educating young people with wealth and/or class privilege about the roots of inequality and building our capacity to take individual and collective action.


Our education and learning activities encourage our members to make bold choices about our personal contributions toward the equitable redistribution of wealth, land and power. 


This work has resulted in members increasing their personal commitments to funding social justice organizations, building new relationships with social justice movements and cross-class allies, and using our voices to call for redistribution. Learn more.  

What We Do

Supporting Movements

We support the work of grassroots social movements by moving money in response to both urgent and ongoing needs, physically showing up for movement events and rallies, and sharing assets that we have access to. 


Our work to support movements has resulted in our members moving over $1.2M to movement groups, showing up at protests in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, and providing access to temporary lodging for movement purposes.


In this work, we believe in and prioritize the power of grassroots community organizing, working alongside social justice movements led by the communities more directly impacted by injustice. Learn more.

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Social Justice Philanthropy

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We collectively advocate for systemic change within philanthropy, pushing for redistribution and equitable access to resources.


Our work has resulted in members creating learning materials about social justice philanthropy, and engaging with allies to press Canadian foundations to be more accessible, diverse and responsive. 


In these campaigns, we aim work alongside social movement allies to shift policies, resources and narratives. Learn more.

Tax Justice

We advocate for changes to the tax system that promote equity and justice. 


In 2020, we are calling on the federal government to establish an inheritance tax and a wealth tax to rein in the wealth of the very wealthy, and to raise the funds we need to provide critical social services. Sign the petition


In this work, we create videos, engage media, develop educational materials and help to promote tax fairness. Learn more

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